Exclusive Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Partnership

Donations are the life line to your thrift store. PickUpMyDonation.com can help you increase the quantity and quality of your thrift store donations. Join our growing network of non-profits that made the decision to offer their donors the convenience of online pickup scheduling, while increasing exposure of their thrift store. “SVdP Arizona was able to […]
Making Your Thrift Store Profitable

Without fail, my conversations with clients always include directly or indirectly the impact that the local “big” thrift stores chains potentially have on their business. It is true, there is an impact. But that doesn’t mean that the “small” thrift store can’t be profitable. The nature of free enterprise is such that we have to […]
How Much is Enough?

I started managing thrift stores back in 2005. I quickly found that donations were going to be the key to success in this industry. Thrift shoppers are like bloodhounds and will find you wherever you are, and we love them for it. Donors, however, will always find the most convenient place to drop off their […]
March Exclusive Provider Update- PickUpMyDonation.com up 65% from February 2015

As an Exclusive PickUpMyDonation.com Provider you have exclusive access to all of the donation leads that come into your zip codes and you are about to get hit with Spring Cleaning season. For us this means ramped up staffing for transportation, back rooms, and processing. It also means an increased opportunity to share the story of […]
Non-Profit Exclusive Pick Up Provider- February Update

Well my friends, its cold in Knoxville, but the interest and growth in PMD is keeping us moving. We shared last month that we were working on providing a priority pick up option for you to use to serve your donors. We are excited to announce the service is now LIVE! and we have just created […]
Hello Fall

Sadly, we are approaching that time of the year where the temperature grows colder and the lazy days of summer are at an end. With the change of seasons, summer clothes are put away and the faded blue jeans and sweatshirts emerge. Furthermore, now is the perfect opportunity to sort through those Myrtle Beach logo […]