How Much is Enough?
I started managing thrift stores back in 2005. I quickly found that donations were going to be the key to success in this industry. Thrift

March Exclusive Provider Update- PickUpMyDonation.com up 65% from February 2015
As an Exclusive PickUpMyDonation.com Provider you have exclusive access to all of the donation leads that come into your zip codes and you are about to

Non-Profit Exclusive Pick Up Provider- February Update
Well my friends, its cold in Knoxville, but the interest and growth in PMD is keeping us moving. We shared last month that we were working

Hello Fall
Sadly, we are approaching that time of the year where the temperature grows colder and the lazy days of summer are at an end. With

I thought we could be friends…
Here’s the second spot we’re releasing this week as a part of our campaign to encourage more people to donate via PickUpMyDonation.com. Got some workout

It was obvious that we were never going to work… – WING Advertising Campaign launches today!
Available en español. If it doesn’t make you happy, let it make someone else happy. ~ PickUpMyDonation.com We’re looking forward to sharing more videos like