Donating in Chicago, IL
Looking to donate items in Chicago? At, we connect donors like you with organizations which pick up your gently used items. We don’t pick up your items, but we connect you with organizations in Chicago that will pick up your donation. In this city, we partner with free pick up and fee-based providers:
- We partner with organizations around the city who offer free pickup. When you submit a request, we send that information to all of these organizations within a 15 mile radius. If one of them shows interest, they will contact you within two business days. In some instances, we may
- If your items don’t qualify for free pick up, 1-800-GOT-JUNK can pick your items up for a fee.
How does it work? connects donors like you with nonprofits in your community. Our online donation form allows users to quickly create a qualified donation pick up request which we then send to thrift stores, furniture banks, and other nonprofits in the Chicago, IL area. If an organization is interested in picking up the item(s), they will contact you to confirm a pickup time.
In some cases in Chicago, our Free Partners won’t be able to pick up your donation items. When that happens, you’ll have the option of choosing our priority pick up partner, 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Whenever they receive your priority requests, their scheduling center will contact you within to confirm cost and a pickup time. If the item meets the criteria of their nonprofit partners, then 1-800-GOT-JUNK will donate the item on your behalf.
Click here to schedule your donation pickup in Chicago, IL today!