We make it easy to donate in
South Holland, IL

Are you looking to donate in the South Holland, IL area? Use this website to send a donation pick up request to Restoration Ministries of South Holland. Get started by entering your zip code. If your zip code matches Restoration Ministries’ pick up area, you’ll be able to select their “Donate Now” button the next screen. Otherwise, we’ll try to connect you with the donation pick up provider who services your area.


Request a donation pick up now:

Restoration Ministries is our local donation pick up provider in Holland, IL.  Schedule a pick up with them by entering your zip code. If it falls within their pick up radius, you’ll be able to select Restoration Ministries on the next screen. From there, they will handle getting in touch with you and confirming a pick up date for your donation.

About Restoration Ministries, Inc.

Restoration Ministries, Inc. provides life-changing opportunities to at-risk, underprivileged youth, men and women with histories of addiction, and families struggling in poverty. They have over 20 outreach ministries including a food pantry, after school program, and two Christian-based drug recovery programs.

About South Holland

South Holland is well known for being a diverse and welcoming community, stressing the importance of family and faith.  Check out Veteran’s park, this is a beautiful, family friendly park with lots of flowers, a trail, baseball fields, a playground, and more! In addition, we have a wide variety of local shops and eateries.  While you are here, you can visit The Well at The Distillery or try your hand at VR gaming.  While in town, feel free to stop by Restoration Ministries and say hello.

If you’re living in the Holland, IL area, you can schedule your free donation pick up through pickupmydonation.com today.