We make it easy to donate in
Springfield, MO

If you’re in the Springfield, MO area, you can use our site to schedule a free donation pick up courtesy of Red Racks Thrift Stores. Get started by entering your zip code. From there it’s a simple process of describing your donation, entering your contact info, and selecting some possible pick up dates/times. Provided your zip code is inside their pick up radius, Red Racks will handle it from there.

Request a donation pick up now:

Red Racks Thrift Store is our local donation pick up provider in Springfield, MO.  Schedule a pick up with them by entering your zip code. If it falls within their pick up radius, you’ll be able to select Red Racks on the next screen. From there, the process is easy as you finish up your donation request and get it submitted.

About Red Racks Thrift Store

When you donate to the Red Racks Thrift Store you are helping MO disabled veterans (DAV).  They are a nonprofit who provides a lifetime of support to veterans and their families.  Donations provide transportation, medical needs, counseling, and much more.  The organization provides more than 700,000 rides for veterans attending medical appointments and assists veterans with more than 300,000 benefit claims annually!

About Springfield, MO

Springfield has one of the best museums in the state.  It has everything from interactive exhibits on DNA to dinosaurs, it is definitely a fun place to visit.  If you prefer your animals alive,  head to the Dickerson Park Zoo that is home to animals from around the world.  At Fantastic Caverns you can take a tram through the beautiful caves full of stalagmites and flowstone.  Finally, end your day taking a nice stroll through the botanical gardens at the Nathanael Greene/Close Memorial Park.  

If you’re living in the Springfield, MO area, you can schedule your free donation pick up through pickupmydonation.com today.